Butter pats belonging to June Morris with which she made butter on the Morris family dairy farm at Wesley Vale, Tasmania.

Carlo Fuccaci, Italian prisoner of war in front of my grandfather Charles Tyler's car on Tyler farm at Sheffield, Tasmania.

Carlo, aged 103, and I in Italy 2016.

Carlo and my mother June Morris meet in Italy after 55 years in 2001.

Carlo, Mum and I in Italy, 2001.

Carlo on farm at Sheffield during war.

Carlo's daughter Iones and her husband Sergio visit the farm at Sheffield with the Tyler sisters, Josephine, June and Betty, Josephine's husband Maurice and I in 2003.

Honouring John Hancox, my great uncle killed at Gallipoli.

Carlo's grandson, Cristian, outside the same shed in which Carlo lived on Sheffield farm.

Carlo with Charles Tyler, my grandfather in front of shed in which Carlo lived.