Bottles of water collected from under the Ross Sea ice in Antarctica and given to me by Cory Peterson. Illustration: Julie Payne.

Bottles of Antarctic bottom water.

With Corey Peterson, who gave me the Antarctic bottom water in 1998.

The fridge magnet designed by Jill Redwood that I produced showing up John Howard, the fossil fool.

Building a dyke with Greens Brazilian representatives at protest at UNFCCC Climate COP 6 The Hague 2000

Addressing the United Nations UNFCCC at COP 11, Montreal 2005.

Climate march at COP 11, Montreal in 2005 in freezing conditions.

COP 13, Bali in 2007

Meeting Gro Harlem Bruntland who chaired the Bruntland Commission Our Common Future.

Climate March COP 15, Copenhagen 2009.

Wearing the White Lemuroid possum badge at COP 17, Durban in 2011.

COP 17, Durban, 2011 with the Australian Youth Climate Coalition including now Vic Greens MP Ellen Sandell.

Addressing Climate rally in Brisbane, 2013.

COP 20, Lima at the Global Greens press conference.

Climate March, COP 20 in Lima in 2014.

COP 20 Lima with my chief of staff, Emma Bull at the climate march.

Doing radio interview during Climate March in Lima, COP 20 with Canadian Greens Leader Elizabeth May, Canada.

COP 20 Lima 2014 with Global Green MPs from Europe and Canada.

Australian Youth Climate Coalition at COP 21 Pars 2015.

Fun night outside Moulin Rouge promoting renewable energy, COP 21, Paris 2015.

Joining the crowds assembled in lieu of climate march which was cancelled because of terror attacks pre COP 21, Paris.

Meeting with Christiana Figueres Head of UNFCCC at Parliament House in Canberra, 2015.

My white Lemuroid possum brooch designed by Lea Stein.

Launching the white Lemuroid Possum brooches at Tropical Biodiversity Conference in Cairns with James Cook University's VC Sandra Harding and scientist Bill Laurence and Bruna Harrison, Harlequin Jewellers Sydney.

Visiting South Africa's wild coastline in 2003 with Dave McKenzie and Anthony Esposito.